The school counseling program at Chester Early Chesterfield Learning Academy is designed to help support students' social and emotional learning (SEL), academic and college and career readiness. We collaborate with staff and parents to ensure students have kindergarten readiness and a positive learning environment for all students.
Mission Statement
The school counselors’ mission is to enhance students’ growth through building positive relationships with peers and adults and to prepare students to become lifelong learners and productive citizens.
What does a school counselor do?
We help students regulate their emotions and learn new skills that will help them with their academic and social and emotional learning (SEL). We promote a positive environment at school and a love for learning and working with others. We connect parents to resources as needed.
Counseling Programs
School Wide
PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support)- Sand Dollar Store and Shellabration Award
Counseling Services
Documents & Forms
Documents & Forms